2007년 12월 2일 일요일

central culture vs popular culture

new media: determining or determined? 1 (Nov 27)

1.5.5 the return of the Frankfurt school critique in the popularisation of new media & conclusion

Central culture could be defined that people who deserve to have or listen to arts, such as expensive drawings or opera, classic music.
However, popular music is defined that everyone could access such as TV or cartoon etc...
First one was handed down well by rich people or educated people.
But the other was not. Even though there were music and play of people who were not well-educated. Because of their illiterate, they couldn't preserve their own culture.

Both of culture might be changed each other.
Most of the people are familar with popular culture, so it could be center.

Anyway I just thought if there is no a division into central and popular culture,
I mean, whoever can be eligible for taking central culture,
everyone could have both culture freely and more people know about arts.

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