2007년 12월 15일 토요일

extensions of man

closing discussion (Dec 11)

1.6.5 conclusion: the extent of the 'extensions of man'

When I see some of the arts which used by Internet or network or computer stuff,
I am very impressed. How come they make thier arts?
Are they good at art even computer??

Apparently, they don't know much about computer things.
However, they are using computer very well.
I may think they could use stuff which they know much or use only.

The funny thing is that computer programers ignore them.
Artists only know part of computer stuff.
On the other hand, computer programers know whole part of computer.
They would say "We don't want to tell that artists know computer."

Painters and sculptors even ingore them who make art using network things.
They don't sweat when they make their works.
Do you think it is art? even though they don't make it??

In my opinion, while our life is getting change, our arts should change.
Because our technological things are being developing.
We use not only our life but also our arts.

2007년 12월 6일 목요일

Which one is the prior? content or medium?

new media: determining or determined? 2 (Dec 6)

1.6.3 Williams and the social shaping of technology
1.6.4 the many virtues of Sant McLuhan

There were two view points.
First one is that contents should be change to express medium.
The other is that let contents leave originally, we chage medium.
I will give a example about "music video"
We can define the content is the song and medium is the music-video.
When Sungmo Cho's music video came out, it was sensation.
Because we saw like a movie, which made well.
However, the problem is that we didn't recongnize music at first.
Because the image is more stimulating the nerves system than music.

There is the song, that' why music-video made.
However we more care about music-video than the song.

In other way, there is a music-video, that' why the song was popular.
Which one is the first??


new media: determining or determined? 2 (Dec 4)

1.6.2 mapping Marshall McLuhan and Williams
1.6.3 Williams and the social shaping of technology

When I was a elementary school student, my teacher taught us a game.
The way of a game is that one by one tell one story, which he gave.
That is, one student told story to another sutdent, who sit back of her until the last student heard.
Finally, the last student, who sit the end of row, said what story was.
But it is funny that the story was totally different from his story.
Because every student changed the story a little bit what they understood.
Whichever story they hear, they understand their own way.

At reult, story tellig is a remediation. It couldb't accept exactly. It is changeable easily.
Moreover, culture develope so fast even we can't measure.
Because we change our culture, what taste we want.

2007년 12월 2일 일요일

fascism and stalinism

new media: determining or determined? 1 (Nov 29)

1.6.1 the status of McLuhan and Williams

Let people not care about politics.

Why? If there are too many people who interfere in politics,

Politicians would not be any good.

So how people make not to care?

There was a "3S"strategy, which one of our president used before.

What is 3S? sport, sex, screen.

people were eager for 3S, when our politics went bad.

What are fascism and stalinism?

I tried to make definition of them, but I found it is very difficult.

central culture vs popular culture

new media: determining or determined? 1 (Nov 27)

1.5.5 the return of the Frankfurt school critique in the popularisation of new media & conclusion

Central culture could be defined that people who deserve to have or listen to arts, such as expensive drawings or opera, classic music.
However, popular music is defined that everyone could access such as TV or cartoon etc...
First one was handed down well by rich people or educated people.
But the other was not. Even though there were music and play of people who were not well-educated. Because of their illiterate, they couldn't preserve their own culture.

Both of culture might be changed each other.
Most of the people are familar with popular culture, so it could be center.

Anyway I just thought if there is no a division into central and popular culture,
I mean, whoever can be eligible for taking central culture,
everyone could have both culture freely and more people know about arts.